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Unlocker is a simple tool that lets you get rid of stubborn files that can't be deleted in the standard way.
Deleting a file from your computer isn't always as easy as it seems. Have you ever you gotten an irritating error message telling you that the file is being used by another application and can't be erased? Unlocker is the solution!

Unlocker is dead easy to use: simply right click the file that can't be erased and select the Unlocker option. You'll be able to choose between deleting the file, renaming it or moving it to another location. If the selected task can't be completed immediately, it'll be finished the next time you restart the computer.
Unlocker doesn’t have any other options or configuration settings. It's meant to do just one thing, but does it really well. If you often have problems with locked files, this is the tool you're looking for.



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