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F Talk

Facebook Chat has become an important tool for keeping in touch with friends. In fact, I would go so far as to say that in comparison to the other features on Facebook (news feed, photo albums, etc.) I think Facebook Chat is vastly underrated. But…you know what you and I – and most of the people we know – have in common? We all hate how Facebook has been messing with our chat setup. First, they made the chat bar a permanent fixture on the right side of my screen. Then they messed with the people I had listed there, only showing me my “top connections” who may or may not be online. Currently, I can scroll down to see “more friends online”, but it still feels like a work in progress.
I understand why Facebook is doing this. Chat is becoming the primary way we IM our friends, and having those conversations keeps us on the site longer, so keeping the chat open and displaying our top connections, theoretically, should increase our chat time, et cetera, et cetera. But I would still like to be able to see everyone in one place. Who’s with me?




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